New camera!
I did try to shop around, but ended up with my first love after all: bought a Canon Ixus 50, one of the few digital camera's out there that still has a little lens you can look through so you can look at the subject you want to take a picture of instead of the stupid display on the camera. I was so shocked when I first saw people do that: a couple of years ago I was on safari in South Africa with a truck full of people staring at their camera instead of looking out the window where the wildlife was standing at about 2 meters from the vehicle. WTF?
Anyway: I also *love* the design of the Ixus, I was very sad when my old Ixus-APS-camera died, but now I have a gorgeous replacement to take with me on vacation:-)
I still have plenty of time to practise and find all the possibilities, but wanted to show off the first two pictures I made. (Actually first and third, 'cause the second one was out of focus, oops) Close up of the little pig is with macro on.