Last Sunday my mom's partner J. celebrated his 75th birthday with a fancy buffet brunch. Here's the food I gobbled up:

A slice of brown bread with fried egg (fried while you wait!) + a croquette + carpaccio (thinly sliced raw beef with parmezan cheese bits) + a small sesamy bagel with creamcheese and salmon + orange juice and milk:)

A small bowl of honey melon and Galia melon with ham + a breadroll with Brie. Oh and a couple of fries, that I had already eaten before I remembered to take a photo:)

A bit of icecreamcake, a slice of carrotcake, a profiterole (cream puff) with speculaas cream, two petit fours, two macarons, a thin slice of spekkoek (Indonesian layercake) and a tiny glass of pineapple mousse with advocaat (a Dutch eggnog with brandy; I only had a couple of spoons of the mousse, then handed the left over bit with the eggnog to my mom;)

One last petit four and a marshmallow dipped in the chocolate fountain:) The end.