Yesterdag (Sunday 26 August) I was finally fit enough to go on a long awaited trip to the Efteling with my brother Hans. We arrived around eleven and stayed until nine-ish. It was awesome:-) For your viewing pleasures:
Here we go...

First: the fairytale forest, meet the Troll King:

... and Rapunzel.

Tom Thumb is trying to steal the giant's boots...

On to DreamFlight...

We fly through the Magical Wood and see fairies and trolls:

After the relaxing magical rides, now it's time for the real stuff: getting ready to fly through the dark at high speed on BirdRok. It's awesome, we went again at the end of the day and again after that;)

Kodak-moment: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah:

The Pagoda takes you up for a view of the park:

The latest addition to The Efteling: The Flying Dutchman, you have to be all grown up to go on that ride;)

I love the details on every single ride (and the path that leads you to it...):

After that amazing boatride our stomachs deserved a reward: mmmm

Many years ago, when my babybrother first went to The Efteling we took a picture near this sign. Obviously he has grown a lot since then. (Link to original:)

Time to get wet: the PiraƱa:

(I totally took this picture to show you Hans got wet, no other reason u-uh, no sir;)
Big Mouth Gijs will take care of your garbage:

Even the toilets are in style:

Dinnertime, we had the Big Mouth Gijs menu:

More pretty details:


Want to see more? Here are pictures from my brother's point of view:)