Got my hair cut today. Last time I went into a hairdresser's was over two and a half years ago. Before that was even longer in between cuts, so I guess it's progress;)
I had been thinking about getting a trim for a while and when I passed the hairdresser's on my break this afternoon I stepped inside just to see how scary it was. I got a good feeling about the woman that talked to me and when she said I could make an appointment for tonight, I decided to do it before I lost my nerve again;)
I think I bit my lip the whole session, but the young woman who cut my hair was very patient and understanding and made me feel at ease. I had to give up about 15 cm (about 6 inches) but my hair looks so much better for it - and I'm still able to twist it into a bun, so yay! May even consider doing upkeep every few months now. Not such a bad experience this time.
Check out the result. (No before pictures, but it kind of looked like the 2009 edition, so click link above to compare;)

Look, how shiny!

And here you can see
Labels: hair