Vacation! London! Cardiff!
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July 12
DAY 1: From Zwolle to London

8.23, the busstop in front of my apartment

8.45, it's too fucking early to be catching a train to Rotterdam

Quite an amusing warning sign, until you realise people may actually be *that* stupid :-)

Pretty bug. Sadly I may have injured it when it crawled onto my pants and I flicked it away. Sorry. I thought it was going after my lunch.

It was very hot inside the Eurostar-waiting area, so I found a bench outside until boarding for the Eurostar commenced.

All aboard for the 14.59 (2.59 pm) to Londen St. Pancras

I love this building fence - close to my hotel, across from the Northside of Kensington Gardens

My hotel... (affordable, but not recommended)

At least the bathroom was clean,

but the floor and bed were not. (Bring your own sheet is my advice for budget travelers - I used a silk sleepingsack;)

Summary of day 1: traveling (train), walking (thanks to construction work on Underground) and finally checking in in hotel.
At night I went to see 'Hancock' in Vue Cinema on Leicester Sq. and I bought a pair of big bitching blue sunglasses:)
July 13
DAY 2: London - Camden & Brief Encounter

This is what they call a continental breakfast. I only drink tea when traveling. I prefer it the English way: lots of sugar, lots of milk;)

I love the new animated type of advertisements in the Underground. I also love the Underground.

Camden: even if you don't like shopping (like me) you can still enjoy the awesome buildings.
Plus if you are looking for funky stuff, this is the place to go.
It's best to plan your visit in the morning. In the afternoon the market gets hellishly crowded.

I totally resisted the lure of the donuts, but I had to get a glass of real lemonade though. They don't sell the sour stuff in the Netherlands.

Camden Lock

Back on Leicester Square, I saw the arrival of Wall-E on the red carpet.
Except the carpet was blue. And I didn't see any celebrities, only a lot of unknown journalists.

Close up of Wall-E

An artistic point of view of Piccadilly Circus *g*

There are not a lot of shows on Sunday, I got a ticket for Brief Encounter, a stage performance of an old film by Noel Coward.
The actors were also part of the audience plus they stepped in and out the movie, it was fascinating.
The cinema in which they performed was very pretty: an old style theatre with all the staff dressed up like we were in the 30s. Awesome.

My home away from home: 24 hour access to the internet, best place in town:)

Summary of day 2: Scored vinyl in Camden: a special edition Yellow Greenday LP and a PatD single.
I also spent some time in Hamley's, but I only bought a cuddly toy and candy. In the afternoon a visit to the theatre:)
July 14
DAY 3: London - Oxfordstreet + Avenue Q

My big blue bitchglasses on Oxfordstreet:)

To get away from the shoppingcrowd I went to Embankment and crossed the bridge to relax on the South Bank.

St. Paul's Cathedral among other buildings;)

Good food: more lemon drinkie, a Marsmuffin (yeah, I know, never heard of it either, it's evil!) and honey-yoghurt. Mmmm.

In the distance: Big Ben, Westminster Hall and the Houses of Parliament, behind the tree: London Eye.

Avenue Q

Awesome show. Go see it. I already knew two songs (The Internet Is For Porn + If You Were Gay) but every single one of them is worth it.

Summary of day 3: Shopping in Oxfordstreet: books, music (more vinyl!) and dvd's. Avenue Q!
July 15
DAY 4: Cardiff & Chem

Train from Paddington Station. It's a LOT cheaper to travel after nine am. (FYI: 57 in stead of 128 pounds for a return)

Fancy that: a reserved seat:)

Welsh. Apparently. I'm glad they offer an translation in English.

At exactly noon I met Chem and Stef. \o/

We had pasties for lunch. Mmmm.

And then we visited Cardiff Castle.

I especially liked all the cool details.

This is the original castle (from around 1200), it's enclosed by newer buildings.

A great view from the top: the surrounding newer castle ground and in the background the Millenium Stadium.

The symbol of Wales.

That must be the best brandname for a beer.

Well, if they don't offer a translation, I'm not sure if I can follow all these rules *g*

Tadaah: the Millenium Centre. You might recognize this from a little series called Torchwood. I understand it also features in something called 'Doctor Who'.

The citycouncil thought it was a good idea to celebrate the summer by decorating the fountain with strawberries. I cried a little.
Also: because of all the construction work we weren't allowed near it. But the very nice foreman hinted that we might sneak in after the work was done....
In the mean time we walked to the bay-area.

The pier. Ah, I remember it well: were Ianto tried to convince Jack he could make coffee (Fragments)

... and also were Owen jumped into the water (and climbed out dripping wet;)

The entrance of the Torchwood office! Eeeeeeeeeee!11!!!!

Freaking Fangirls :-D


Where Tosh had a good time with Tommie.

If you look closer, you can see faces on the back of the statue.

I recommend going to the tourist-office first (the official one in the bay;) for a list of locations. And maybe some lessons in Welsh.

Fun: the Who Exhibition; lots of good stuff...

Doctor Ten's and Martha's clothes: the Lazarus Experiment

Yep. That's me and the Tardis. It was spinning!

Don't worry, Chem and Stef had their eyes on it. Still: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaargh.

I love the Ood.

We had a pretty dinner. With lovely waiters as well *g*

And then we sneaked to the fountain for some fangirly-pics. Fucking strawberries.

Summary of day 4: Cardiff! Chem! Awesome!
On the last day I wrote postcards in Kensington Gardens and traveled home. I left London at 14.34 and got home around 22.30.