Sunday December 5: daytrip to Berlin!
To see Panic! at the Disco!

Rain didn't stop me from cycling to the trainstation; made it!

Got on the train to Deventer to catch the international train to Berlin...

..which left on time despite the snow!

There was snow in Germany too!

But I arrived in Berlin exactly according to the schedule \o/

I got on the S-Bahn (subway) to Alexanderplatz and walked to Gontardstrasse to catch the tram.

But first I stopped to get a souvenir hatpin:)

And I took a picture of Alexanderplatz (with City hall in the background on the left)

Then I caught the Tram to Landsberger Allee...

...where I eventually found the entrance to the Velodrom. Yay!

Inside the BMX and skating competition had already started, but that's not why I was there...
I came to see Panic! at the Disco and was thrilled to find out they were having a signing session before the concert.

I got in line with Peggy. Can you tell I'm excited?

Look, look: it's Brendon Urie and Spencer Smith, wahay! (I took this after I already got my autographs:)

First the Trashmonkeys performed; they looked like teachers on a schoolperformance, but I liked their sound and enthousiasm very much. They rocked:)

After another round of BMX and skating it was time for Panic! at the Disco.
We are so ready. \o/

Spencer on drums, Dallon on bass

Brendon being a spaz, yay:)

Ian on guitar and Brendon on keyboard.

\o/ Panic! at the Disco \o/

I know it's not sharp, okay. But it's Brendon being fierce. *g*

This is my absolute favorite photo of the night.
It was AWESOME. The end. :-D

After the

Because I had a lot of time to kill until my nighttrain back home, I stayed for the rest of the competition, the awardceremonies and closing concert.
(seen on the big screens next to the concert-stage)

Final act was Boy Sets Fire. I had never heard of them: loud band.
Crowd seemed to enjoy themself in the mosh pit. I'm glad I was watching from the bleachers;)

Bye Velodrom! You warmed our hearts so we are able to face the snow outside with a smile:) Around 22.15 we took the tram to Alexanderplatz.

Around 22.30 walking from the tram to the Alexanderplatz S-bahn station: a bear. (FYI: it's the symbol of Berlin)
I said goodby to the other girls at Friedrichstrasse. I had a good time hanging out with them!

Berlin Haubtbahnhof (Central station) had very pretty decorations.

See? Huge glass tree!

I read my book in the heated waiting area until it was time for my nighttrain to leave. This so called 'sleeper-train' would take me straight to Arnhem in the Netherlands, but...

...when I arrived at the tracks, they announced a 90 minutes delay. It was freezing at the station and I was adviced to take the last train to Köln (Cologne). For a connection to the Netherlands I would have to change trains in Duisburg. I was tired but worried about changing trains around 4.50 a.m., so I didn't get a lot of sleep.

Duisberg station: I had to wait an hour for the train to Viersen (still Germany;). It was also freezing here, so I had a hot chocolate and read some until 05.56 a.m.

In Viersen there was a connecting train (6.33 a.m.) to Venlo, just across the border in the Netherlands.

I slept a bit on the train from Venlo to Nijmegen. (from 07.00 until about 07.45)

In Nijmegen I had about 20 minutes before my train home. I was relieved I was on familiar territory again and had a little time to admire the decorations.
Final train!

On the train from Nijmegen to Zwolle (8.20 - 9.43) I had the breakfast I bought in Berlin last night and I read some more in Luck in the Shadows (I may have found another bookseries to fangirl!)

When I arrived home (around 10.15 am) I found presents from Sinterklaas on my table! Ooooh <+:-)>
Perfect day. Freezing, but perfect.