The CupCake Experiment
PART 5: Honey CupCakes, try #4
Remember my first two tries at this recipe? And how Sillie came over a week later to teach me how to bake them properly?
Well, I figured I didn't really succeed until I managed to make them all by myself, so this weekend I tried again.

Don't mind the mess.

The batter is still a little lumpy even though I did let the butter soften before I started. I guess it's because I don't use an electric whisk. It's all mixed with good ol' muscle power;) I added raisins to half of the cupcakes.

So far, it's looking good...

...and after twenty minutes they still haven't exploded. WIN!

A shot from the side, so you can tell how high they are;)

I experimented with frosting-markers and decorated the ones with the raisins. The figures are supposed to be flowers. I'll work on that next time *grins*
I took the cupcakes with me on my visit to my grandparents. They both said the cupcakes were tasty. My mom agreed. I know they are supposed to say that, but I choose to believe they meant it;)
Labels: mmmfood