I spent the evening before my birthday with Hans up in the attic: we watched a couple of Buffy and Angel episodes to continue our everlasting Buffy-marathon. My mom came by after work around eleven and together we watched another episode. Around midnight mom handed me a big box with a birthday-breakfast and she and Hans both sang for me at the stroke of midnight:-) Then Hans went home with mom.
The next morning I opened my big birthday-breakfast:

'Hi Judith, Goodmorning! Congratulations!
Enjoy breakfast! See you Later! Hug, mom'

... orange juice, chocolate milk, sugarbread, croissants and more goodies, mmm

The box was stuffed with food and...


A backpack with a skull, candy, vanilla-showergel, a promotional paper and cd of the movie 'Crusade In Jeans' (my favorite children's book) and best: a cool armband and an even cooler ring:

Breakfast (I can live for days on the food in the box!)

26 december 2006: Happy Birthday to ME! :-)
When mom and Hans came by around noon we had cake and then left for The Hague.
There we celebrated mine and Gayleen's birthday (12-22) with diner: