Last weekend we celebrated Sinterklaas. Here are some photos:)

Last minute attaching of the poems:)

Just while dad Jaap was in the bathroom, someone pounded on the door, threw in pepernoten (candy cookies) and then Ruben discovered Sinterklaas left a basket full of presents in front of the door! Woah!

First tiny present has a poem explaining they have to find big present number two with a particular wrapping...

Ruben dives into the basket to find the next present:)

Unwrapping is very exciting!

Hans got a girlfriend from Sinterklaas (ahw)

The poem hopes he finds a real life girl again soon;)

Hmm, another prank present from Sinterklaas: his helper Pete has hidden the real present, but where?

Jaap gets a big container to ship furniture to Australia, when they move there (next year?)

Ruben is excited about the big tube of handcreme his mom Gayleen got.

Click here to see how it was made!

Grandma Ina gets a piece of art to inspire her next painting:)

Once again Ruben is eager to help with the unwrapping:)
We had so much fun!

Aaand this is my loot \o/