The last week of my vacation I was finally flexible enough to go to Amsterdam with mom (August 9). Before shopping and a movie (Harry Potter - again;) we went on a quest to find the photos Spencer Tunick made for the DreamAmsterdam project and we ended up in a part of town we don't usually visit. We only managed to find one of the pictures of the project and couldn't be bothered to look any further. Instead we went a bit touristy and took loads of pictures ourselves:) After a little sit down for coffee (mom) and hot chocolate (me) we went back to normal Dutch mode:)
I'm too tired/lazy (pick one) to remember what is what, so I'll just post a selection of my photos without comments. Enjoy the scenery!

(This is the trainstation in Amersfoort, where we missed our connecting train home. But there was a very cool gadget to pass the time with: a digital pond with gold fishes. Mom waded through the virtual water to play:)