Intocht Sinterklaas We celebrate his nameday in December, but today Sinterklaas already arrived in the Netherlands to start the countdown \o/ Officially there is only one Sinterklaas, but he magically manages to visit every big city and small village on the same day. My sister in law and darling nephew travelled to my town so we could all enjoy the festivities together. Here are some photos!

Mom and me waiting at the trainstation with our festive tiaras:)

We're all singing "Zie ginds komt de stoomboot" to welcome Sint's big boat with the Pieten, the band and lots of presents.

Ruben had a great view sitting on his mom's shoulders:)

He watched Sint get off the boat and there was a Piet racing in the water, woah!

From the boatlanding we walked to one of the town's squares where Sint was welcomed on stage and we sang more songs.

After that we had a bit of lunch and then walked to Town Hall for the finale of the festivities.

Ruben received lots of pepernoten (tiny cookies:), which he happily shared with his aunty J. ;)

We also saw Sint from up close, woohoo!

Back at the trainstation, tired but happy:)

Grandma drew a Sint and Piet on the dirty windows of the train before waving goodbye.
The end.