Antwerp, Belgium, 31 October 2009S. and I were invited to T's Halloween- and Housewarming party in Antwerp. S. had come over on Fridaynight for a minimarathon of CSI and SPN goodness. On Saturday morning we travelled south by train(s). Before meeting T. we spent some time sightseeing. For the record: most alp (arm-length pictures) did feature our complete heads, it's just that the angle most unfortunately shows my lack of neck, so I cropped them. So there. Vainer than you thought. Don't worry, most photos are of buildings anyway;)

Zwolle station, waiting for the train to Rotterdam, 9.30 is totally early.

We arrived on time in Rotterdam, our train to Belgium did not. We had to wait an extra twenty minutes. Hence the forced smiles.

But eventually we arrived in Antwerp around 13.30 (1.30 pm). I love that station, it's impressive inside and out.

Side of the station-building, a former post-office/bank if I'm not mistaken.

Next to the station is the Zoo; look what we found at the gate! Remember
our hunt for arty elephants in Amsterdam? This one thought it got away from us. Ha!

Okay, I did post a picture of the dromedary on top of the roof after my
trip to Antwerp in May. But it's so cool, it deserves another mention...

... and a close up:)

We did some windowshopping in The Meir.
IsthiswhoIthinkitis? Nice jaw. We discovered a massive magazines-store where I definitely want to go again in the future. Oh and I possibly need to return for some shoe-shopping. And for that chocolaholic shop. Nom.

S. and her suitcase on our way to the Grote Markt and the huge cathedral.

One of these statues is not a real statue.

Detail on top of door to the cathedral (Click for close up) - Name that saint.

Doors of cathedral in full (Onze Lieve Vrouwe)

Me in front of Brabo (throwing the hand of the giant - the origin of the name of the city,
summary of tale here)

Detail of Brabo statue, an awesome dragon(!?)

Arty shot from Brabo and cathedral :-D

You can see that cathedral from all over town. Love the fronts of the houses.

Possibly my favorite shot of the day.

S. and Brabo.

Same fronts as above, but check out the compostition baby.

Kaasstraat (Cheesestreet)

"Het Steen", former prison and first stone building of Antwerp. That poster is VERY Belgian in my opinion (based on glimpse of Belgian comedies on tv;)

Yes, the escalators to the tunnel under the river also featured in my last series of photos. I just love that they are made of wood, ancient and still running.

No visit to Belgium is complete without eating waffles. \o/

Random streetcorner; there were a lot of these Roman Catholic statues all over the city.

Even though it is the same language as mine, Flemish often amuses me. It's a Dutch thing;)
Sunday, 1 November 2009At T's appartment we met several other fanpeople. I didn't make any pictures of the Halloween party, but we had a lovely nerdy night in costume, complete with fangirling/boying (Dr. Horrible Sing-a-long! Buffy!). After a sleep-over and a breakfast with geektalk, we travelled back to The Netherlands.

Subway. One of my favorite means of transport. Notice how freakishly tall S. is? (Or possibly I. is tiny *g*)

Some final fangirling (with another waffle for me;) at the station before we said goodbye to I. and Sf. It was great meeting them!

Some more proof of where we were. Waiting for the train back to Rotterdam. That's where I changed trains, while S. travelled on to Amsterdam and beyond.
I had some time to buy 'diner' at the station before catching the train back home.

Pistolet Filet Americain/Egg and a Brown Chocolate Muffin with White Chocolate filling. And water of course. Plus The Origin of Species by Charles Darwin. All good travelcompany:)
Labels: antwerpen, travel