On Friday I got a call from brotherdearest asking if he could come over for dinner on Saturday. Since he would also help me out with a couple of computer issues, he was more than welcome *grins* I decided it was a good opportunity to try a new dish. From a package of course, I'm not THAT adventurous, but still: new thing! I made mashed potato cupcakes \o/ Had to add eggs and milk to the powder provided and then put it in the oven on 200C for 20-25 minutes. What made it more complicated than simply following the instructions was that the recipe was for 8 cupcakes, but the illustrations had a tray for 6 cupcakes and my oven only had room for 7. The package also didn't explain how much batter to put in each cup, not warn about any possible rising. Scary stuff, kids. This is why I hardly ever bake, I get so frustrated by having to figure things out! Aaaaaaaaaanyway. I totally managed to make it work; I added fried bacon bits and my brother was quite impressed. The mashed potato cupcakes tasted mmm-good. Ha! Have some photos of the process: