Thursday, March 06, 2008

Tuesday night my trusty old lunchbox died:
it was crushed by a can of chickensoup. :-(

On the bright side: now I have a funky new
fluorescent transparant one! Look at eeeeet:

Sunday, March 02, 2008

My week in pictures:

Wednesday: brought my puter to the doctor
(after taking a picture to remind me where all the cables go;)

Bye baby, I hope they can fix you :'(

Hello gorgeous new laptop, that I bought to comfort me

Friday: a grateful client gave me chocolate and a bottle of wine with a lovely card

When I got home, I discovered mom had made a surprise visit. I had left a to-do list FOR MYSELF on my dinnertable, with a reminder to take a picture of the disgusting dishes (because of a lj-request, I'm not into dirty pictures;). Mom found the note and not only decided to do my dishes, she also took a picture:

And this is how I found my kitchen. I love my mom.

Saturday: the 'wheels-under-the-bookcase'-Project

Two done:

Four should do it:


But on closer inspection I noticed a problem. Ehm, that doesn't look good...

So I bought two more wheels for support in the middle:

Another tadaah:)