On Saturday November 15 Sinterklaas arrived in the Netherlands. We went to welcome him in Scheveningen harbour and then watched the parade in The Hague. Here are some photos!

The first boat filled with presents and Pieten... no Sinterklaas yet

The Pieten threw lots of pepernoten and marshmallows! Ruben even caught some in his hoodie!

There it is: the big boat with Sinterklaas, can you see him?

Look at all these faces filled with anticipation *grins*

Yay! Hello, Sinterklaas! *waves*

So. many. people.

Final view of Sinterklaas before he got off the boat and on his horse for the parade. We take a break from standing in the rain and take the tram into town for a quick lunch before we catch up with Sint again. (The parade takes four hours (4!!!) to travel through all the neighbourhoods)

The stork is the symbol of The Hague:)

From the citycenter we took a bus to get back on track and find the best spots for the parade. Came across this gorgeous fountain.

And when we walked around we saw this DivaPiet; she sang opera songs!

Found a good place to wait; just when this car announced the parade would start in five minutes...

Such an amazing parade with bands playing, Pieten on bikes and donkeys and... look!

A big old firetruck!

Wahey, so cool!

Of course we were all really waiting for Sinterklaas...

There he is!

Oooh, it is a little intimidating;)


Bye, Sinterklaas!

As a special finale there was a very loud train, or as Ruben called it a "treinauto!" - a trainCAR! Lots of steam and a very loud horn.
The end.
One more photo though. Because at the end of the day, brother Jaap accompanied brother Hans and me to the tram and we made an alp that I'd like to share:

Me and my "little" brothers:)