Two succesful shoppingtrips today!
1. This afternoon I found a replacement button for the dimmer of my livingroom chandelier (I broke that lightswitch weeks ago).

Although I could still use it and it looked kind of funky and spacey without the button, I'm very pleased I was able to make it whole again:)
2. Bookweek started yesterday and since shops are open on Thursdaynight I went bookshopping:

There were many more books I fancied, but I figured I'd save some shopping for after my paycheck arrives next week (bookweek lasts 10 days;). When you spent at least 12,50 euros on books, you get an especially written book for free (De Kraai - Kader Abdolah). As an extra bonus you can use this book as a trainticket on Sunday to travel for FREE all over the Netherlands.
Amsterdam, here I come!