Traditionally it's celebrated on the evening of December 5th, but my family got together yesterday for our Sinterklaas party:)

These are the surprisepackages I build, from left to right:
- a sheep for my mom; hiding a jar of sheepherder's handcreme;
- a cuddly Sinterklaaspuppet with a fake book that makes music upon opening and contains candy, for my darling nephew;
- a chainlock and key for my dearest brother, who got his bike stolen. Hidden inside the lock is a funky bicycle horn and the chain was later wrapped around additional present, a DVD of Ladri di Biciclette (italian film Bicyclethieves;)
- a big bag of Sinterklaascandy (the present is wrapped in paper with candy-print) for my brother's girlfriend with a fancy shoulderbag and candy-scented showergel inside;
- a huge -and heavy!- loaf of bread surrounding a book with baking recipies for my sister in law;
- a toy-train with a tiny toddler version of my other brother, build upon a book with lectures about evolution.
I added short four-line poems explaining the packages (and teasing the recipients;)

Darling nephew's face at the reveal of the pile of presents :-D

Opening his first present; the musicbook. It was a big hit \o/ (probably because of the candy inside;)

Ruben helping unwrap a present while his dad reads a poem. I love the expectant looks on the faces of my youngest brother and my mom:)

Wondering what that bread is all about *g*

Brotherdearest trying to get to his present.

Still so many presents to go! (Everybody was only supposed to help out Sinterklaas with one gift per person, but I think Sint magically added a bit more;)

The grand finale: my mom wrestling with the sheep. LOL.
Last but not least: check out my presents!

Lots of travel stuff (special towel, flat waterbottle), foodiethings (macaron creator, lollycakes materials, of course chocolate letters and marsipan, which I already ate some of before taking the photo;), funky gifts (a bicycle ledlight set, dj-puppet, usb-hub mouse) and the marvelous Monty Python encyclopedia!