The Livingroom Project 2007 - work in progress
Two years ago I painted the right wall, this vacation I finally had time to do the left wall: 9.50 x 2.60 m + piece of wall surrounding the back-window.
This is what it looked like before:


First step of the project:
taking the bookworm off the wall - I had a little help from brotherdearest

You need two people to prevent the bookworm from going all over the place;)

Hans thought the bookworm worked really well as a racetrack: wahey!

Step two: moving the furniture to create workspace

Those vertical window blinds had to be taken down
(thank you mom and Jan for helping me with those;)

A work in progress: the first coat of paint(yesterday)

And the result after the second coat (this afternoon;)

The sunset caused really beautiful colors on the back wall (also thanks to my painted door;)

This weekend I will finish the project by adding some colors... and putting the furniture back... Pictures will be posted:)