On my way back from studying (ha!) and traveling in Ecuador (you can find pictures here: week 1, week 2 and week 3 ) I made a long stop-over in New York to visit my little brother for a couple of days. He already posted his pictures (august 19, august 20, august 21, august 22) here are mine:
(here's a little babble about those four days;)
August 20: Laundry, Bodies Expostion, Central Park
and hanging out with Willemijn and Laila

Eating at Whole Food with Willemijn, Laila and Hans
August 21: Brooklyn College, Coney Island,
Burrito's (Chipotle) + Snakes On A Plane!

NY Hans at Brooklyn College

Burrito's at Chipotle. (There is also one of those
conveniently located right next to the theatre,
which we discovered after running a couple of
blocks to get to the movie on time. Ehm.;)
August 22: on my own to Grand Central and Battery Park
that brought back memories...

NY Grand Central Station: I just love that symbol of the train
(the wheel with the wings)

Battery Park, view of Manhattan
(formerly view on WTC...)

In front of the Statue of Liberty...
Honest, it's there, right behind me I swear...

The Statue Of Liberty and me, August 22 - 2006
MEMORIES.... lalalalalalala:

Been there, done that: standing proud in 1988:-)
Fences... fashionsenses *g*... a lot of things change
in 18 years (has it really been that long, sigh)
Back to 2006: going back home:
goodbye Hans, hello Mom!

Goodbye Hans, New York (August 22)

Back in the Netherlands:
on the train from the airport with mom. (August 23)