Ecuador 2006: Pictures July 29 - August 4
Links to TravelBlog: LiveJournal (English) or COTW-Blog (Nederlands)

'She's Leaving Home': Friday July 29:
Testing my backpacks, getting ready to go...

'Flying High': My first glimpse of Quito, been on planes a lot:
Amsterdam-New York-Panama City-Quito! This is Sundaymorning July 30

View of Quito from Rosa's apartment

My bedroom in Casa de Rosa
(yes, it's huge: I have my own bathroom, a tv and a walk-in closet!)

View from Rosa's kitchen

View from my bedroom:
I love the reflection of the mountains
and the sky in the Ecutel-office

Monday July 31: first day at spanish school
Conversation-class with Tom & Gil from Luxembourg
Nos profesora se llama Maria Mene;-)

My first of many plates of zupa:
Rosa's Ecuadorian creations are very filling
and soup (with vegetables, potatoes, lentils)
is served for lunch and diner. It tastes good.

Rosa's apartment is on the seventh floor, left corner.

Quito: Avenue de 6 Decembre.
I took this picture because of the guys working
in that not very safe looking construction.

Another point of view from my bedroom

On Tuesday August 1 the school figured out my schedule:
this is Omayra, my profesora for grammar the next two weeks
(we both agreed to focus on conversation instead;)

Wednesday August 2: I spend the afternoon in the old part of Quito,
this is a detail of a statue on the square de la Indepencia.

Impressive interior of church La Merced in old Quito

And the lovely view from that church

In my second try of an ALP (armlenght-picture)
I managed to get me and the Monastery of San Francisco
in the picture (still in the old part of Quito;)

View of Quito, with the big statue of
Maria on the mountain, you can see it
where-ever you are in town.

A very tasty (and cheap;) snack:
warm buns and cold milkshake - yum.

The view from the apartment at night is spectacular

Diner with Joff from Canada,
Rosa of course and Helena from Australia (org Danmark).

Conversation-class with Johan from Danmark and profesora Maribel. The second week I had one on one lessons with profesora Maria Mene (see above), who was very firm, but also more useful.

Friday afternoon August 4: a trip to El Mitad del Mundo,
The middle of the world!

The official monument is actually about 250 meters off,
but of course I still had to have a picture;)

View from the top of the monument: El mitad del Mundo

I love mountains: view from the top of the monument


Another cool picture of the ground;)

The 'real' middle of the world is at the museum
next door to the monument

Fascinating nature: a hummingbird (I think;)
And just so you don't have to scroll back up:
Links to TravelBlog: LiveJournal (English) or COTW-Blog (Nederlands)
More photo's: part two!
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