Yesterday was the first day of my Summervacation and it was off to a great start with a visit to the Efteling Fairytalepark with my mom, sister in law G. and darlingnephew R. Here are some photos of our adventures:)

First up: The PiraƱa river rapids ride: the water is still calm here, but WATCH OUT BEHIND YOU!

Wild water, wooohoo!

The Efteling's garbage cans are hungry!

Wooden rollercoaster Joris and the Dragon.

Hehehe, my companions were too busy screaming on the ride to notice the dragon, good thing we had already gotten a good look while waiting in line:-D

Dare devil R. is ready for his first upside down rollercoaster The Python!

Two loopings and a corkscrew, oh yes, what a ride!

All four us are excited to go on the Dark ride Vogelrok:)

Another hungry garbage can, the most famous one: Holle Bolle Gijs. He keeps asking for trash to gobble up and politely says thank you when you feed him!

On our way to the exit we have just enough time for a quick visit to Pinocchio in the Fairytale forest. Can you see him?

What an excellent day.