I went a little wild in the bookstore last week:
(click for big picture;)

I had planned to only buy a book for my mom's birthday, but as usual I went a little wild and I also bought: two new Classics for my collection (both in Dutch): Mark Twain - The Adventures Of Tom Sawyer plus Cicero - De Oratore and I couldn't resist to finally get my first Manga(!): DeathNote by Tsugumi Ohba and Takeshi Obata, which is published back to front, like the original. It's a very pretty edition.
I received a free booklet because of thriller-theme-week in the bookstore (so not my genre) but to my surprise I got more; the sales-woman was very excited about DeathNote and went to the back of the shop to get me a special banner she was supposed to put up in the window. Look at the picture: it's huge! How awesome is that?! *loves booklady*