My Harry Potter Marathon Weekend
To prepare for the new Harry Potter film Deathly Hallows part 1, I once again planned a movie marathon to view all the previous films on the big screen in my attic and I invited my Potter
Here are pictures of my long weekend, no spoilers of any of the films, just the Potter Posse and hopefully a little taste of the fun we had:)

The entrance to my

Saturday November 20, 2.30 pm: Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone with Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Beans (yes, American spelling on the boxes, I had a rough week at work and forgot to check my spelling *hangs head in shame*)

Of course I also made a Honeydukes candy-corner, with chocolate frogs!

First Potter Posse: Judith, Benthe and Richard (a new addition to our crazy group:)
The three of us watched the first two films together.

Around 10.00 pm: after dinner and The Chamber Of Secrets, it was time for The Prisoner of Azkaban

Brotherdearest Hans joined the Potter Posse for the third film:)
-End of day 1 (around midnight)-

Sunday November 21, 11.00 am: Gayleen arrived for The Goblet of Fire and after lunch the five of us watched The Order Of The Phoenix.

Richard had to leave before dinner and after my (in)famous pasta/spinache the other three apparated back to respectively Amsterdam and The Hague.
So the winner of this year's Harry Potter Marathon is.....

Me! I watched The Half Blood Prince in the company of a big box of tissues and loads of chocolate;)
-End of day 2 (not done yet!)-
On Monday I travelled to Amsterdam to meet up at the cinema for The Deathly Hallows, part 1. Of course I couldn't resist a bit of shopping and some touristy photos...

Amsterdam, Damrak, building site

Amsterdam, Nieuwe Kerk, Dam square
After I bought myself the two hardcover editions that were still missing from my 'adult' Harry Potter series, I went back to the station to catch the metro to the Arena Cinema (Bijlmer)

Amsterdam, Damrak towards main trainstation

Amsterdam, Damrak towards main trainstation

Ooooooh, the stairs in the HUGE Pathé Arena cinema change colours. I love them.

Potter Posse the fourth: Hans, Jelle, Judith, Benthe

Tadaah! In front of platform 9 3/4! \o/
No spoilers for the film, but here are some promotional shots.


Oh, how I love this cinema.
I had an awesome time. Can't wait until the MegaMarathon next year. Who's with me?
Labels: marathon