The bridge between my neighbourhood and my mom's is only accessible to pedestrians, bikes, busses and taxis. Cars have to drive all the way around to get there.

I love this bridge

And the views from it

Once I cross the bridge, I take the bikepath to my mom. I love the area.

My moms apartment is right behind that big red building in de distance. Ooh, look on the right: it's art.

I don't know what it's supposed to be, maybe it's not supposed to be anything, but I simply call it the turdplane, because I'm such a child;)

See that big hoop on the right? That's what we call a "blikvanger", which is our word for 'eyecatcher', but blik also means 'can', as this device is cleverly used to dispose of trash while riding your bike. Get it? Can-catcher. Heh.

I should have made a little arrow pointing at my mom's balcony. I'll let you figure it out yourself: see that streetlight right ahead? If you follow that down, the first building you hit is my moms. Go on, give her a wave!
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