Sunday, September 13, 2009

What the hell? This afternoon I discovered a blood blister in the back of my mouth. I have no idea how it got there. It's not painful, but very annoying (like there's is something stuck in my teeth and I have to touch it with my tongue all the time). I asked for advise from the web, friends and family and they all agree I should not pop it, however tempting that is. I just have to wait until it goes away. Yuck.



At 9/15/2009 08:03:00 pm, Blogger Hans Kuipers said...

Wow, pretty disgusting! :-)
Al bijna over nu?

At 9/15/2009 09:17:00 pm, Blogger BeeLikeJ said...

Thank you :-)

Yep, bloedblaar barstte eerste nacht al over en twee dagen later is er nog een vage schaafplek zicht- en voelbaar, maar die is vast morgen weg. Was wel spannend hoor:)


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