LONDON! Part 1
Last Thursday I took the train to Brussels, where T. was waiting in front of the Eurostar entrance to start our four day trip to London. Here's a selection of photos of our adventures...
Day 1: Thursday August 4

My bicycle and me, happily waving, unaware of the journey to come...

View from the 'Silent' train compartment; train from Zwolle to Rotterdam. This train was on schedule and I arrived in Rotterdam well in time to catch the 10.55 to Brussels. Except that train was cancelled for unknown reasons. I didn't panic; I still had my back up train from 11.55, that would get there on time to go through Eurostar check in and customs. Except that train turned out to be delayed:

AAAAAAArgh. /o\ Twenty-five minutes late meant that I had less than the required thirty minutes by the time I arrived in Brussels. So when I got there I ran to the Eurostar, hoping to be allowed on. I did panic a little when I didn't see Tan at the entrance, but fortunately she had only stepped in to ask the staff what we should do if we missed the train.
Luckily we were still able to check in and customs was faster than usual too, so we managed to catch the Eurostar after all. Pfew.

Arrived in London exactly according to schedule, yay!

After checking into our hotel, we took the Tube into town, scored theatre tickets at half price and went to Covent Garden for a bit of shopping. (no icecream, but I loved this sign;)

We had dinner at Brasserie Johnstons. I had a apple-virgin-mojito, T. had wine!
Food was delicious too; T. had the starter Vichyssoise (Chilled leek and potato soup) and we both had the main course: Pork fillet served with prune dauphinoise and apple jus. For dessert I had a fresh fruit plate with lemon sorbet. Omnomnom.
While we walked to the Trafalgar Studios we did some sightseeing...

The entrance of the CharingCross Station

Detail on unknown building at Trafalgar Square

Nelson's Column, day time (scroll down for night time view;)

The theatre where we saw the musical Bewixt in a tiny tiny basement that would fit about 90 people, we sat second row with an audience of about 60 people. It was awesome! Great performance, with fun lyrics, dancing and amazing actors. Recommended!

Nelson's Column, night time (scroll up for day time view;)

I ended the day with a luxury bath. (With sensual pearls, mmm)

Today's loot: goodies from Lush, a filled up Oyster card for public transport (brought from home;) and program of Betwixt.
Day 2: Friday August 5

English breakfast \o/

Our hotelroom

Before going into town, we relaxed in Russel Square Park. We saw squirrels :-D

Detail of the gate of the British Museum, which we passed while we walked to Forbidden Planet (Shaftsbury Av.)
After shopping there, we took the Tube to Camden, where T. scored a pair of pretty shoes and I bought a really cool notebook. But we mostly just walked around, enjoying the atmosphere;)

Storefront of Aldo.

More cool shop designs

Camden Stables
From here we walked up north to a cemetery that T. wanted to visit and to have lunch on Parliament Hill. Unfortunately we got a little lost and got tired of walking, so once we found out where we were, we hopped on a bus to Hampstead Heath and pretty much sat down on the first parkbench we found.

So much walking, but eventually we sort of managed to have our picnic;)

In the -almost- middle of nature ;-p
After relaxing, reading and eating we took the bus back to our hotel to prepare for another evening in the theatre.

Goodies day 2: present at Forbidden Planet and very cool leather notebook.

We took the Tube to Waterloo station and walked to The Old Vic theatre to pick up our tickets (I had bought them in January!)

I had reserved premium seats for Richard III with Kevin Spacey (directed by Sam Mendes)

Before the play, we bought pasties and potato-skins and ate them in a park nearby.
The play was brilliant: over three hours of Shakespeare at his best:) Very overwhelming.
We got back in our hotel around 23.30.

Did I already tell you we had a separate toilet and bathroom? We also had a bidet. How fancy is that?

Another luxury soak in the tub; this time with a bubbly Ma-barr from lush.

More goodies from day 2: I not only bought a program, but also a poster and the script with extended notes. (had delicious icecream at intermission: caramel, vanilla with honeycomb.)
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