Went to visit brotherdearest in Amsterdam on Friday, October 2, 2015. We walked from his house to the city centre and all around. Here are some photos:)
Raadhuisstraat 15: Kantoor van de Vereeniging voor den Koffiehandel (Office of the Society for Coffeetrade - 1890)
Detail, Office of the Society for Coffeetrade
Detail, Office of the Society for Coffeetrade
Building on the corner of Raadhuisstraat and Singel
Another detail on that building on the corner of Raadhuisstraat and Singel
Yet another face on a building (Singel?) - I love these a lot, okay.
Red Velvet Cake and Hot Chocolate with marshmellows at De Drie Graefjes (behind the Nieuwe Kerk)
Gevelsteen Kasteel Int Huis te Bentem - Bethaniƫnstraat (taken from Kloveniersburgwal)
Awesome building on Kloveniersburgwal
I don't know the names of all the tiny streets we walked through, so couldn't tell you the exact location of this manhole cover, but it's near Universitybuilding Oudemanhuispoort (Old man's home gate:)
We took a tram to Weteringscircuit; this statue of a lion rising from the waves and the wooden bench with shields of cities in the province of Zeeland are in memory of the North Sea flood of1953
A quick shot from the tram to catch the guy on the bicycle with the huge balloons :-)
Building in Raadhuisstraat
Side of Magna Plaza Building (corner Raadhuisstraat and Nieuwezijds Voorburgwal)
Pasta dinner from Julia's at the station
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