The CupCake Experiment PART 1
Sinterklaas gave me a book with CupCake recipes. I've never baked before, but plan to try one of these every week. Here's my first effort...
Plain Vanilla CupCakes


The recipe is for 18 cupcakes, but my oven only fits 6, so I had to divide everything by three. Not easy with 4 eggs...

I didn't have a scale, so I used a measuringbowl. Whisk away! As it turns out my handmixer couldn't handle it, so I ended up using a fork.

Dough is supposed to be 'pale and fluffy'. It's yellow and sticky. Maybe because of the margarine instead of butter? Or too much egg after all. Hmmm.

It seems I at least got the right amount. I'm guessing it will rise a bit.

After twenty minutes in the oven they don't look like the photo in the book; they are soggy and pale, so I decide to leave them in for another ten minutes...

Huh. They don't look bad in these pictures, but as you can see they shrunk after a while and the centers were not baked.
I'm going to buy real butter tomorrow and try again on a higher temperature; I suspect the plastic cups need more heat than paper ones.
Hopefully then they all look like this:

One out of six is not a bad result for a first try, is it?
I'm saving this one for inspiration. I ate the other five. WITH A SPOON. Ahem.
Labels: mmmfood
Mmmm.... with a spoon...
Center was not fluid to simply drink it. Pretty close though. *grins*
it's very possible that your toaster oven isn't equal in temperature to a standard kitchen oven. The results you're getting seem to indicate you're cooking at too low a temp. Do you have a standard oven? If you do...even tho you're only making a few at a time...try it and I think your results will be better! Keep at it! You'll be a baker in no time! (We bakers are always trying to recruit more!)
Yay, professional advice! Thank you so much. I guess my oven could be part of the problem. Although I must say it has served me well since my days in college, so it's very dear to me *pats oven*
I'm definitely gonna keep trying:)
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