Saturday, September 18, 2004

Spend most of the day hanging around the house, but managed to do something useful in the afternoon: I cleared out my (indoor) shed, to make room for all the stuff mum is moving to my place tomorrow (tv, hifi-set and computer). Also spent some time in the attic, putting up some more movie-pictures and cutting a doormat to fit in front of the door.
At night I went to see The Bourne Supremacy (for free, 'cause I collected ten stamps on my movie-card:). Before I could cycle home I had to lift my bike out of a mountain of bikes. Got a bit cranky about the absolute lack of decency of these people. I know there are less bicycle-racks since they rebuild the trainstation, but I don't dump my bike on top of others, I choose to walk a little further to an available free spot, sigh. If only everyone else was as smart, decent and clever as I am. (if you think I'm kidding, you obviously don't know me very well;)
Finished the night watching a recorded episode of 'The Block' (they should really stop with that 'later on the series'-crap. Like I'm not gonna watch anymore unless they tell me what's going to happen, tsss) and a WestWing-episode, that was quite frankly a little boring. (about The State Of The Union, which I consider as fake as our 'Prinsjesdag')


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